A palace was an architectural structure used as a residence for royalty or nobility.
History and specifics[]
In the 2250s decade, Captain Christopher Pike was captured by Dindamorii rebels and held in the governor's palace on Dindamor. He was rescued by Spock and J. Mia Colt. (TOS novel: Legacy)
In the year 2267, Prince Raviki returned to Nukolee to reside in the royal palace. (TOS comic: "A World Gone Mad")
In 2268, Corben once called the dwelling place of the Inquisitor as a "palace", although it was referred to as a "castle" in every other instance. (TOS comic: "Day of the Inquisitors")
The Nagal Residence was described as a palace. (DS9 novel: The 34th Rule)
- TOS novel: Legacy
- TOS novel: Mudd in Your Eye
- TOS novel: Gemini
- TOS novel: Captain to Captain
- TOS comic: "Day of the Inquisitors"
- TOS comic: "A World Gone Mad"
- TOS comic: "The Mummies of Heitius VII"
- TOS comic: "Child's Play"
- TOS comic: "The Animal People"
- TOS comic: "Prince Traitor"
- TOS comic: "Planet of No Life"
- TOS comic: "Spore of the Devil"
- TOS comic: "The Enterprise Murder Case!"
- TNG novel: To Storm Heaven
- TNG novel: Tooth and Claw
- TNG novel: Do Comets Dream?
- DS9 novel: The 34th Rule