- For other uses, see Paul.
Paul Jesse was a 23rd century Human man, a magazine staff writer.
In the year 2289, Jesse was a member of the editorial staff of Spacelanes magazine.
Jesse wrote an article called "The Independent Merchant", an overview of the lifestyle of merchants that summarized all of the daily choices traders made to remain in operation. It took deep dives into choosing the right type of starship and how to use planetary trade profile data to turn a profit.
Jesse also wrote several sidebars for the article "A Capsule History of Interstellar Trade". These were biographical highlights of Isadore Cohen, Rachel Cohen, Garggash Dlumppheg, Jym Ggavittchh, Sarah Hastings, E.A. Jacoby, Cyrano Jones, Harry Mudd, Diana O'Day, Sehek, and J'mm T'las. (FASA RPG module: Spacelanes: The Magazine of Interstellar Trade)