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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Personal log of Jack Ransom were several entries made by Ransom during his time aboard the USS Cerritos.


  • Personal log, Stardate 57995.8.
    I just spent many, many hours with the Apergosian high leader, trying to get him to settle on a subspace ID number. The one he ended up choosing? Not my cup of tea. Sure, I was imbued with godlike powers, and I did twist and transform the locals into simulacrums of myself – but even then, you gotta keep your eye on the ball: that's no reason to go with a number that doesn't sing. I guess I did get carried away today. Literally, into space, when I turned into a giant [REDACTED] head. But I learned something important. The Cerritos is my home, not my [REDACTED] chew toy. I'm still adjusting to the captain and Mariner's new work dynamic, but being God Ransom showed me that I'm happy with who I am, and where I am. the shields and I gotta say I looked amazing. I would have worshipped me too.[1]


Logs of the USS Cerritos (NCC-75567)
Captain's logs 23802381 Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Personal logs Brad BoimlerSam RutherfordJack RansomBeckett MarinerD'Vana TendiShaxsT'Ana
Other logs Chief medical officer's log First officer's logSecurity log

Notes & References[]
