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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Rutherford.

The Personal log of Samanthan Rutherford were several entries made by Rutherford aboard the USS Cerritos.


  • Personal audio log. Personal log, Stardate 57925.4.
    People told me the craziest thing happened today! A bunch of Pakleds attacked the ship and Shaxs and I saved the day! But he got blown up and my implant got ripped off… I heard all this second hand because I lost all my memories. But that's okay! I just met this really cool Orion, apparently she's my best friend. I can see why – she's amazing! I still have all my memories from before the Cerritos… mostly. Like, I swear they moved the bathrooms! Okie dokie! I gotta go, I have a date with… uhm. Wait… who do I have a date with? Oh man, I better ask around! Hey Tendi, did you see me ask anyone out today?![1]
  • Personal log, Stardate 58109.3.
    Or should I say DRAGONdate. So it turns out Billups is from a planet full of castles and dragons, how cool is that? And I got to go and help fix the engines on his mom's fancy Hysperian Cruiser! Sure, it was all a trap to try and get him to have sex and take the throne, but you know how rare it is to get to work on a whole new engine? Ooh, baby, it was worth it! After we figured out what was going on, all the engineers chanted for Billups for like ten minutes straight. Then he made his mom give us all a feast: so I got to do two feasts in one day! It was super fun, and the court jester fell over his chair on purpose! Oops, I gotta go, a jousting tournament's about to begin. It's probably another of the Queen's tricks, but who cares? Billups will never fall for that stuff! Billups! Billups! Billups![2]


Logs of the USS Cerritos (NCC-75567)
Captain's logs 23802381 Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Personal logs Brad BoimlerSam RutherfordJack RansomBeckett MarinerD'Vana TendiShaxsT'Ana
Other logs Chief medical officer's log First officer's logSecurity log

Notes & References[]
