- This article is about an individual. You may be looking for the Petra system.
Petra was a female Bajoran and daughter of Rizo, born in 2351. In 2370, she took part in the hijacking of the antimatter tanker Phoenix. She later stowed away on the tanker to help her father. When she was discovered, she was allowed to stay with her father in a cargo bay. Jadzia Dax promised to help her out when they got back to the Federation.
During the Occupation of Bajor, when Petra was four, her mother was taken by Cardassians. It was unknown what truly happened of her, but Rizo figured she was raped to death. Rizo then took Petra and joined the Bajoran Resistance.
Following their return to the Bajor system, Dax made a strong plea for clemency, especially for Petra. The authorities on Bajor had Petra sent to a hospital for psychiatric evaluation, which Dax described to Commander Benjamin Sisko as a good first step in helping the young Bajoran. (DS9 novel: Antimatter)