Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Portal transporter

Portal transporter room.

Portal grabs Spock

Unplanned portal snaring Spock.

A portal transporter was an experimental alternative Starfleet transporter technology developed in the 2250s.

History and specifics[]

The device used a warp reactor to generate a wormhole through subspace, forming Human-sized entrance and exit portals. Although artificial wormholes were inherently unstable, it was hoped that the science would eventually be advanced enough to produce stable, predictable, manageable portals as a substitute for the transporter.

In 2253, Commander Knoxville and his research team worked on the classified project at the Filos IV research station on Filos IV. A malfunction during a visit by a landing party from the Federation starship USS Enterprise led to the device accidentally taking Lieutenant Spock to an active volcano. Following his recommendations and observations, Starfleet subsequently discontinued work on the project. (ST - Spock: Reflections comic: "Issue 2")


