A prelate was a title held by a person, usually a high ranking politician or a member of a religion.
History and specifics[]
In the Andorian culture, this position was often held by the head of the state's religion and was thus a powerful religious figure amongst the race. In the 23rd century, Shras was Andor's chief ambassador and also held the position of prelate. (TOS novel: Dwellers in the Crucible)
Some Bajoran communities (such as Tindar) are led by a prelate. Benzar Okrin was the prelate of Tindar in the 2370s decade. (DS9 novel: Wrath of the Prophets)
A fictional alien humanoid, Zhom, held the title of prelate in a diplomatic holoprogram variant of the Kobayashi Maru scenario in the year 2401. (PIC - Stargazer comic: "Issue 1")
See also[]
- TOS novel: Dwellers in the Crucible
- DS9 novel: Wrath of the Prophets
- PIC - Stargazer comic: "Issue 1"
External link[]
- Prelate article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.