Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Window of Dreams pulsar cluster.

A pulsar cluster was a group of stars, a star cluster consisting of pulsars. (TNG episode: "Samaritan Snare")


Lokirrim space 2377

Map of the space the Window of Dreams cluster.

The Epsilon Pulsar Cluster was located in the Epsilon IX sector, somewhere in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants. In the 24th century, it was known to the Federation as a new cluster. The USS Enterprise-D surveyed the Epsilon Pulsar Cluster in the year 2365. (TNG episode: "Samaritan Snare")

The Window of Dreams was a colorful pulsar cluster embedded within a nebula in the Delta Quadrant. The Lokirrim knew of it by the 2370s decade. In 2377, Captain Ranek showed the Window of Dreams to Seven of Nine. (VOY episode: "Body and Soul")

Known pulsar clusters[]



Stellar classification
By class and type class O blue-violet starclass B blue starclass A blue-white starclass F white star (white dwarf) • class G yellow star (yellow dwarfyellow giant) • class K orange star (orange giant) • class M red star (red dwarfred giantred supergiant) • boson starbrown dwarfgreen starN-type starR-type starS-type starD-type star
By size or makeup black hole/black starcarbon stardwarf star (brown dwarfred dwarfwhite dwarfyellow dwarf) • giant star (blue giantred giantorange giantyellow giant) • Lazarus starmicrostarneutron star (collapsarmagnetarpulsar) • protostarsupergianthypergiantvariable starwhite holeWolf-Rayet star

Appearances and references[]

External links[]
