Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Beta fluidic rift

Fluidic rift Beta.

A quantum rift was a type of 24th century spatial anomaly, a quantum singularity that acted as a portal between universes. In the 2370s decade, quantum rifts connected fluidic space with the Delta and the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant and of the Milky Way Galaxy in the primary universe. (ST video game: Armada II mission: "Strange Bedfellows")

These were also known as fluidic rifts. (ST video game: Armada II mission: "Rifts")

History and specifics[]

USS Karr

The Federation starship USS Karr at Rift Alpha in fluidic space.

Quantum singularity 2410

A quantum singularity acting as rift in 2410.

In the year 2377, the Borg Collective and the denizens of fluidic space, designated Species 8472 by the Borg, engaged in renewed hostilities. The Cardassian rebellion led by Gul Kentar pulled Species 8472 bioships into the prime universe by using Kulinor-class science vessels to open quantum singularities to fluidic space. The Borg had to halt their invasion of the Federation because of the new fronts opened by Species 8472 in two quadrants. (ST video game: Armada II)

With information gathered from the Species 8472 destroyer Specimen, the Borg learned about the large quantum rifts in local space. The Borg Queen decided then to recover a Starfleet flotilla led by Captain Jean-Luc Picard stranded in the Delta Quadrant and build an alliance with the Federation against Species 8472. (ST video game: Armada II mission: "Strange Bedfellows")

The allied Borg and Federation fleets secured the Hurik star system, site of Alpha, to hamper the extradimensional invasion and prepare a counterattack. (ST video game: Armada II mission: "The Maw")

The allied fleet entered fluidic space through Rift Alpha. The Borg Queen coordinated the effort to establish an outpost and send starships to stop bioship fleets from entering the galaxy through Rifts Alpha, Beta and Gamma. When the allies destroyed the ancient Species 8472 mothership Rift Maker, the quantum rifts began to collapse. The Borg Queen ordered all ships and personnel to return to the Alpha Quadrant. (ST video game: Armada II mission: "Rifts")

In 2410, USS Voyager and its Khitomer Alliance escort tracked an Undine incursion into the galaxy and Admiral Tuvok's mind to a corridor of space known as Northwest Passage, located in the Delta Quadrant. That area of space contained several quantum singularities, acting as rifts into different regions of fluidic space. One region was overgrown with coral-like structures. Another let to a space station that housed a command bioship, Cooper's bioship. Voyager entered one of the quantum singularities to confront Psi Lord Eric Cooper in fluidic space. Following the resolution of the conflict with the Undine after mind melds between Tuvok and Cooper's bioship, Voyager and its escort returned through the rift to the Northwest Passage before all the quantum rifts closed. (STO - Delta Quadrant mission: "Mindscape")



spatial phenomena
space weather cosmic stormdistortion ringgaseous anomaly (Herbig-Haro formation) • ion stormmagnetic stormmaelstrommeteor showerparticle fountainplasma stormsolar stormspatial implosionstar-nodetachyon eddyThraz Streamerwave nexus
gravitational anomalies gravimetric distortiongravimetric eddygravimetric interferencegraviton ellipse
subspace anomalies subspace compression anomalysubspace disruptionsubspace fissuresubspace fracturesubspace granulationsubspace gravity inversionsubspace gravity spikesubspace tunnel
temporal anomalies Kerr loopmultiphasic temporal convergenceNexusquantum stormreality vortextemporal distortiontemporal gatetemporal rifttemporal vortexTipler cylindertoroidal continuum fold
distortions, rifts and ruptures dimensional gateinterphaseJanus Vortexquantum riftquantum singularityspatial distortion fieldspace-time fracturespatial rift (spacial flexure) • subspace ruptureTyken's Riftwarp-gatewormhole