Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The R1 Artisan-class was a Federation space station class in use in the 23rd century.


Artisan was one of the R1 family of station classes designed by Rantura Shipping Lines and built by Chiokis Starship Construction Corporation in the late 23rd century. It featured 120 modular segments that could be replaced or refitted to create different configurations. This allowed stations to be outfitted variously for such uses as asteroid mining, ore extraction and manufacturing. It featured automated machinery levels, modified small craft storage, material storage, and loading bays. Turbolifts were enlarged for cargo transfer.

This class of station was 200 meters wide, 250 meters tall, and weighed 982,000 metric tons. It could support a staff of 170 and up to 12 visitors. The hangar bay could maintain up to four shuttlecraft and six travel pods. It had no weaponry and only navigational-type deflector shields. The standard layout included two 6-person transporters and four cargo transporters. It had a cargo capacity of 10,000 metric tons. Power was provided by a type FMAPG-1 matter/antimatter power generator and a type FIPG-1 impulse generator.

Corporate and civilian owners of this station class paid 2% of gross profits to Starfleet and were required to donate 1% of their manufactured goods for colonial support. A Samson-class warp tender towed each station to its destination. (FASA RPG module: Regula-1 Orbital Station Deckplans)

Service history[]

The first station, Endeavor 1, entered service c. 2270, on reference stardate 2/1202. It was a Tellarite experimental ore processing station.

By the late 2280s, 29 R1 Artisan stations had been constructed. The last such facility built was Samos 1, a corporately-owned ferrocrete manufacturing facility. (FASA RPG module: Regula-1 Orbital Station Deckplans)


Andor Eye 1Astral Point 1Byondis 1Cygnet XIV Prime 1Deepwell 1Endeavor 1Excavator 1Hadran Complex 1Henderson 1Jarid Center 1Luxor Able 1Luxor Twin 1Manning Dox 1Maxwell Orb 1Multiplanet Base 1Muraski Major 1Muraski Minor 1Regal Find 1Richload 1Salazaar A-1Salazaar B-1Samos 1Sarsis Plant 1Sarus Pax 1Soron Center 1Vega Harrier 1Xanadu Prime 1XM-1Zeta Alpha 1



Space station classes of the Federation and Starfleet
Named classes E-classFleet StarbaseFrontier-classHelios-classK-classManheim Temporal Research FacilityNor-classR1-class (R1 Administrator-classR1 Artisan-classR1 Informant-classR1 Investigator-classR1 Invictus-class) • Sierra-classSigma-classStrongpoint-classUnity-classWatchtower-classZenith-class {{{2}}} icon image. {{{2}}} icon image.
Other types

Construction support stationMining Station 27 typeMcKinley typeSpacedock typeStarbase G4 typeunnamed

general type

Federation advanced starbaseFederation advanced shipyardFederation defense platformFederation habitatFederation mining stationFederation orbital processing facilityFederation phaser turretFederation relay stationFederation research facilityFederation temporal research facilityFederation sensor platformFederation science stationFederation shipyardFederation starbaseFederation torpedo turretFederation trading stationfleet stationVulcan research institute

