Raknal V is a class M planet, fifth in the Raknal system, near the Betreka Nebula. The world has two large continents and a number of island chains, dividing the hydrosphere into two large oceans. The planet, particularly the southern continent, has rich deposits of the mineral zenite.
Roughly a thousand years ago one of the ships of the Klingon Ch'gran fleet crash landed on the northern continent. The vessel was able to land relatively intact, but if there were any survivors they died off.
In 2328, the Cardassian vessel Sontok surveyed the planet and discovered the remains of the Klingon ship. Its report to Central Command was intercepted by a Klingon ship that was shadowing the Sontok, and eventually Klingon and Cardassian fleets clashed for posession of the world. A treaty brokered by Federation diplomat Curzon Dax forced both sides to share the world: Cardassians developing the northern continent (where the Klingon's desired wreck lay), Klingons the southern continent (where the Cardassian's desired zenite could be found). Rather than resolving matters, the "cold war" over Raknal V became a running sore for both sides, one which other foes such as the Romulans exploited to wear them down further.
In 2346, after the Khitomer Massacre, Klingon Chancellor K'mpec had had enough of the unproductive drain on their resources, and renounced Klingon claims to the planet, entering into separate negotiations for the Ch'gran artifacts.
In addition to its zenite resources, the world proved a good home to transplanted hevrit, providing a new source for a then-dwindling Cardassian delicacy. (ST - The Lost Era novel: The Art of the Impossible)
During the Dominion War, the planet was still under Cardassian control. An attempt to build a Dominion military base on the planet was stopped by allied forces, led by the USS Enterprise-E. (TNG - The Sky's the Limit short story: "Four Lights")
Mirror universe[]
In the mirror universe, successful Bajoran mediation resolved the Betreka Nebula Incident. (DS9 novel: The Soul Key)
planets visited by the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) | |
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