Rantal was an inhabited world, a class M planet located in the galaxy's Beta Quadrant, homeworld of the humanoid Rantal civilization. Rantal was a subject world to the Klingon Empire. (PRM novel: The Root of All Rage)
History and specifics[]
The humanoid Rantal evolved on this planet. They were notable for their snow-white skin.
At some point before the 2380s decade, Rantal was conquered by the Klingons. The Rantal were made a servitor race, jeghpu'wI'.
By the year 2385, one Rantal had gained a posting in the Klingon Defense Force. Bekk Raspin served aboard the IKS Bortas under Captain Kromm, as the only non-Klingon crewmember. Raspin was frequently subjected to abuse by the Klingon crew, until Officer Rooth put a stop to it. (PRM novel: The Root of All Rage)
Bekk Raspin died honorably in a battle in the Lembatta Cluster that saw the destruction of the Bortas. (PRM novel: In the Heart of Chaos)
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