Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Raxanna was a 23rd century Edosian woman, a civilian physicist and technician.


Raxanna was a physicist specializing in gravity. She was an expert at computer operations and attained professional level knowledge in general engineering and electronics technology. She was intelligent, lucky, and charismatic.

In the 2260s, she was employed by New Amsterdam Gravitics Company. By 2269, she served as chief researcher at the company's leased laboratory on Deep Space Research Facility 39, which focused on developing new gravity control systems. She reported to lab administrator Duncan Henrik IV. (FASA RPG module: The Vanished)

In 2269 (on reference stardate 2/1111), Raxanna was 66 years old when the entire space station crew vanished during a routine communications check-in with the starship USS Enterprise. Investigation later found that an infestation by I'Iglii had precipitated the situation. (FASA RPG module: The Vanished, FASA RPG module: Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update)



Federation Deepspace Research Facility 39 personnel and researchers
Station personnel Shannon BlakelyRugast DagranJ. LawsonAndre LeClercJason LeeDavid LevinWyatt NilssonDaniel ReubenDrin T'tallenJ.B. Whitcomb Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. Seal of the Federation Starfleet. FDRF39 insignia.
Station researchers Samuel ClarksonDavid CohenLaurie Ann DestryFranklin Edison Jr.Duncan Henrik IVTor JacobsonFenton KrauseD.T. LancasterLisa Marchant-SmithFrederick McLarenElizabeth MoonlightCaroline NakamuraShakar NavantiLorraine ParvenuSebastian ParvenuRaxannaCalvin RennR'rowllarSanakSalvatore SantiniSovarDenis Sun-ToucherLen TanakaKaterina Velikovsky

Appearances and references[]

