Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Recall of the Pirates was an event in Orion history, when the early Orion pirate forces were summoned to the defense of their homeworld of Rigel VIII (Botchok) during the Orion War for their independence.

The Recall was issued to provide the planet with a space fleet, sometime after August 95 BCE (reference stardate -20/9508) Legend would have Nallin the Unconquerable be the only one to send it, but he was not: many Orions knew that a war for their very survival was imminent.

Only half of the pirates had gathered at Rigel VIII in time for the Battle of Botchok on January 3rd 94 BCE (stardate -20/9401.03), against the superior Nine Worlds Confederation fleet. The fortuitously late arrival of Caruch the Blessed however ensured a stunning victory for the Orion rebels.

The opening stages of the Orion War were still only fought with one-seventh the number of ships that the Nine Worlds could field, and The Recall took two years to complete. Orion pirates would later be seen as heroes, the saviors of Botchok. (FASA RPG module: The Orions: Book of Common Knowledge)
