Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Regulan reptilians are a reptiloid species native to Regulus II.They are bipeds of humanoid size and shape and have developed a culture rating G plus on the richter scale. Very hospitable, they have opened the lush plateaus of their southern continent to human habitation. (ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation)

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"The Worlds of the Federation" does not describe the Regulan reptiloids in detail, however the TOS comic "The Haunting of Thallus!" depicts a "Regulun" Ambassador named R'Kgg who is of non-humanoid appearance and may be a reptiloid.Nontheless his home is supposed to be Regulus III.In contradiction to this according to the TOS short story "The Blaze of Glory" Regulus III was inhabited by Humans of egyptian descend.This still could be sufficiently explained by possible population exchange among the regulan worlds and also does not rule out the chance of Regulus III also being home to other non-human races.The original inhabitants of the planet, the Veliki, lived Thousands of years ago,is unknown if their race went extinct.If not R'Kgg could be a Veliki or their descendant.
(TOS comic: "The Haunting of Thallus!",TOS - Star Trek II Short Stories short story: "The Blaze of Glory")