Relatives of regular and recurring characters
Star Trek: Enterprise[]
Jonathan Archer[]
- Jack Archer - unspecified relative (TOS novel: Captain's Peril)
NOTE(1) that Jack Archer being Jonathan's relative is more suggestion than fact.
- Xesophia - his wife. (ENT - Strange New Worlds VI short story: "Cabin E-14")
Robert April's crew[]
Bernice Hart[]
- Unnamed husband (TOS novel: Final Frontier)
Star Trek: Early Voyages[]
Christopher Pike[]
- Charlie Pike a.k.a. Josh Pike - his father (TOS novels: Burning Dreams, Vulcan's Glory; EV comic: "Flesh of My Flesh")
- Willa McKinnies - his mother (TOS novels: Burning Dreams, Vulcan's Glory)
- Philip Pike - his son (TOS comic: "Door in the Cage")
Phillip Boyce[]
- Alicia Boyce - his late wife (TOS novel: Vulcan's Glory)
José Tyler[]
Gabrielle Carlotti[]
- Two unnamed brothers. (EV comics: "Flesh of My Flesh", "The Fallen, Part One")
- Olivia - her aunt. (EV comic: "The Fallen, Part One")
Sita Mohindas[]
- Rajiv Mohindas - her father. (EV comic: "Flesh of My Flesh")
Star Trek: The Original Series[]
James T. Kirk[]
- Tyree - his 'brother' (TOS episode: "A Private Little War"; NF novel: Once Burned)
- Michele Suzanne Kirk - his sister. (TOS novel: Home Is the Hunter; TOS reference: Star Trek II Biographies)
- Alexander Kirk a.k.a. Brett Kirk - his nephew. (TOS novels: The Last Roundup, Provenance of Shadows; TOS comic: "Star-Crossed")
- Julius Kirk a.k.a. Robert Kirk - his nephew. (TOS novels: The Last Roundup, Provenance of Shadows; TOS comic: "Star-Crossed")
- Lori Ciana - his wife. (TOS novels: The Lost Years, Recovery; TOS movie & novelization: Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
- Fire-in-Night - his 'wife'. (TOS novel: Enemy Unseen)
- Joy-of-Morning - his 'wife'. (TOS novel: Enemy Unseen)
- Shade-in-Sun - his 'wife'. (TOS novel: Enemy Unseen)
- Teilani - his wife. (TOS novels: The Ashes of Eden, The Return, Avenger, Spectre, Dark Victory, Preserver)
- Joseph Kirk - his son. (TOS novels: Preserver, Captain's Peril, Captain's Blood)
- Elanea - Teilani's aunt. (TOS novel: Dark Victory)
- Samuel Kirk - his grandfather (TOS novelization: The Motion Picture; TOS novels: Windows on a Lost World, The Kobayashi Maru, Shell Game, Best Destiny)
- Tiberius Kirk - his great-grandfather. (TOS novel: How Much for Just the Planet?)
- James Kirk - his uncle. (TOS novelization: The Motion Picture)
- Frank Davis - his uncle. (TOS novel: The Folded World)
- Henry - his uncle. (TOS comic: "Who's Who in Star Trek, Issue 1")
- Abner Kirk, his uncle. (TOS eBook: Shadow of the Machine)
- Hanna Kirk, his aunt. (TOS eBook: Shadow of the Machine)
- Ilsa - his aunt (surname not given). (TOS novel: Final Frontier)
- Matilda - his great-aunt. (TOS novel: Enterprise: The First Adventure)
- Three unnamed sons of Peter Kirk. (TOS novel: Dark Victory)
- Abernathy Kirk - his ancestor. (TOS novel: Timetrap)
- John Claudius Kirk - his ancestor. (TOS novel: Home Is the Hunter)
- Nee f'ran K'leb - his "adopted son". (TOS novel: Double, Double)
NOTE(1) that Kirk's sister only exists in the sources above, and is absent from every reference to Kirk's family published before or after.
NOTE(2) Provenance of Shadows reverses the age order of Kirk's nephews previously established in The Last Roundup.
NOTE(3) that Enterprise: The First Adventure establishes both Kirk and Spock as having great-aunts called Matilda.
- T'Pau - his great-great-aunt. (ENT episodes: "The Forge", "Awakening", "Kir'Shara"; TOS episode: "Amok Time"; TOS novels: Starfleet: Year One, Vulcan's Forge, Sarek, Yesterday's Son, Spock's World)
- T'Rea - Sarek's first wife (TOS novelization: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier; TOS novel: Sarek)
- T'Rama - his grandmother (ENT - Strange New Worlds V short story: "A Girl for Every Star"; TOS novelization: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)
- Supek - his great-grandfather (ENT - Strange New Worlds V short story: "A Girl for Every Star")
- Surak - his Second History father (TOS novel: Killing Time)
- Doris Grayson - his aunt (TOS novels: Planet of Judgment, The Lost Years)
- Lester - his cousin (TOS novel: Planet of Judgment)
- Jimmy - his cousin (TOS novel: Planet of Judgment)
- Alex Fitzhugh - his uncle (TOS - Strange New Worlds III short story: "Family Matters")
- Kathleen Fitzhugh - his aunt (TOS - Strange New Worlds III short story: "Family Matters")
- Elizabeth Fitzhugh - his cousin (TOS - Strange New Worlds III short story: "Family Matters")
- Horek - Spock's cousin (TOS comic: "Mutiny on the Dorado")
- Matilda - his great-aunt (TOS novels: Enterprise: The First Adventure, Sarek)
- Zar - his son (TOS - The Yesterday Saga novels: Yesterday's Son, Time for Yesterday)
- Araen - Zar's first wife (TOS novel: Time for Yesterday)
- Araen, Junior - Zar's first child (TOS novel: Time for Yesterday)
- Tekolin - Araen's father (TOS novel: Time for Yesterday)
- Wynn - Zar's second wife (TOS novel: Time for Yesterday)
- Nahral - Wynn's first husband (TOS novel: Time for Yesterday)
- Lelinos - Wynn's first son (TOS novel: Time for Yesterday)
- Unnamed child - Zar and Wynn's child (TOS novel: Time for Yesterday)
- Selek - An alias used posing as his own second-cousin (TAS episode: "Yesteryear"; TOS novels: Vulcan's Glory, Sarek)
- Sessek - "Selek"'s father (TAS novelization: Yesteryear)
- T'pal - "Selek"'s mother (TAS novelization: Yesteryear)
- T'Pala - "very distant relative" (TOS novel: Mindshadow)
- Gerald Carstairs - T'Pala's father (TOS novel: Mindshadow)
- Stephen - his "distant cousin" (TOS novel: Enterprise: The First Adventure)
- Jeremy Grayson - his ancestor (TOS novel: Strangers from the Sky)
- Dora Grayson - his ancestor (TOS novel: Strangers from the Sky)
NOTE(1) that Killing Time later reverts to calling Spock's father by the name Sarek, contradicting earlier portions of that novel.
NOTE(2) that Sarek calls Matilda Spock's aunt, and not great-aunt.
Leonard McCoy[]
- Eleanora McCoy - his mother (DS9 short story: "Old Souls"; TOS movie & novelization: Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; TOS novels: The Better Man, The Last Roundup)
- Jocelyn McCoy - his ex-wife (TOS novels: Shadows on the Sun, Planet of Judgment, Enterprise: The First Adventure, The Lost Years, The Better Man, TOS comic: "The Real McCoy")
- Joanna McCoy - his daughter (TOS comics: "All the Infinite Ways", "Past Imperfect", TOS novels: Crisis on Centaurus, Best Defense, Provenance of Shadows, TOS - Year Four: The Enterprise Experiment comic: "Part 3")
- Barbara McCoy - his daughter (TOS comics: "Furlough to Fury", "World Beneath the Waves")
- Anna March - his 'daughter' (TOS novel: The Better Man)
- Mark Rousseau - Anna March's father (TOS novel: The Better Man)
- Elizabeth March - Anna March's mother (TOS novel: The Better Man)
- Erica Rousseau - Mark Rousseau's wife (TOS novel: The Better Man)
- Christopher Rousseau - Mark and Erica's son (TOS novel: The Better Man)
- Donna Withers - his sister (TOS novel: Crisis on Centaurus)
- Fred Withers - his brother-in-law (TOS novel: Crisis on Centaurus)
- Thomas Jackson "T.J." McCoy, MD - his grandfather (TOS novels: The Final Reflection, Shell Game)
- Conner - his grandson (TOS novel: Shadows on the Sun)
- Unnamed granddaughter (TOS movie & novelizations: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; TNG movie & novelization: Generations)
- Other unnamed grandchildren (TNG movie & novelization: Generations)
- General McCoy - his great (x 10) grandfather (TOS novel: Home Is the Hunter)
- Vincent McCoy - his ancestor (TOS - Strange New Worlds 8 short story: "Shanghaied")
- Fanny - his aunt (TOS novel: The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 1)
- Elliot - his cousin (TOS - Strange New Worlds II short story: "The Healing Arts")
- David McCoy - his cousin (TOS novel: Ice Trap)
- Florence - his great-aunt (TOS novel: Double, Double)
- Mamay - his grandmother (TOS short story: "Where Everybody Knows Your Name")
- Matilda - his aunt (TOS novel: The Romulan Way)
Montgomery Scott[]
- Arlyne Jorgensen Scott - his mother (TOS - Strange New Worlds VI short story: "Bum Radish: Five Spins on a Turquoise Reindeer"; TOS novels: Home Is the Hunter, How Much for Just the Planet?, The Kobayashi Maru; TNG novelization: Relics; TNG novel: Crossover)
- Robert Scott - his brother (TOS comic: "Furlough to Fury")
- Kristen Scott - his sister (TOS - Strange New Worlds VI short story: "Bum Radish: Five Spins on a Turquoise Reindeer"; TNG novelization: Generations)
- Frannie Preston - his sister (TOS comic: "Retrospect")
- Tommy Preston - his brother-in-law (TOS comic: "Retrospect")
- Glynnis Campbell - his wife (TOS comics: "Retrospect", "The Trial of James T. Kirk"; TAS novelization: The Terratin Incident)
- Angus McFarlane - Glynnis' husband (TOS comic: "Retrospect")
- Zhota - his alternate-timeline wife (EV comic: "Future Tense, Part Two")
- Ingrid - his aunt (TOS - Strange New Worlds VI short story: "Bum Radish: Five Spins on a Turquoise Reindeer")
- Cheryl - his cousin (TOS novel: The Kobayashi Maru)
- Ishimoto - his cousin (TOS novelization: Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)
- Dannan Stuart - his niece (TOS novel: Enterprise: The First Adventure; TOS novelizations: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)
- Clifford Scott - his grandfather (TOS novel: Vulcan's Glory; TOS - Fortunes of War novel: Dreadnought!; TNG novelization: Relics)
- Tillie - his great-aunt (TOS comic: "Sceptre of the Sun")
- McTavish - his great-aunt (TAS novelizations: Once Upon a Planet, The Time Trap)
- Amelia - his aunt (TOS short story: "Where Everybody Knows Your Name")
- Katarina Scott - his great-granddaughter (ST video game: Elite Force II)
- Brian - his nephew (TOS comic: "Send in the Clones")
Pavel Chekov[]
- Andrei Chekov - his father. (TOS - The Janus Gate novel: Future Imperfect, TOS novel: The Captain's Daughter)
- Larisa Chekov - his mother. (ST video game: Starship Creator; TOS - The Janus Gate novel: Future Imperfect, TOS novels: Traitor Winds, The Kobayashi Maru, The Captain's Daughter; TNG novelization: Relics)
- Vanya - his uncle. (TOS novel: Shell Game)
- Pavi - his cousin. (TOS novel: Enterprise: The First Adventure)
- Nina Popov - his cousin. (TOS comics: "Class Reunion", "Secrets")
- Mikhail Gorbachev - his ancestor. (TOS novel: Mudd in Your Eye)
- Pavel Alexandrovitch Chuikov - alias used by Chekov while back in time. (TOS novel: Home Is the Hunter)
- Vassili Chuikov - erroneously believed Chekov to be his nephew. (TOS novel: Home Is the Hunter)
- Andrew Chuikov a.k.a. Alexander Chuikov - erroneously believed to be Chekov's father. (TOS novel: Home Is the Hunter)
Hikaru Sulu[]
- Hosato Sulu - his father. (TOS comics: "Giri", "Who's Who in Star Trek, Issue 2"; TOS novels: Enterprise: The First Adventure, Shadow Lord, The Captain's Daughter)
- Shimizu Hana a.k.a. Kalea Graef Hatoyama-Sulu - his mother (TOS - Tales from the Captain's Table short story: "Iron and Sacrifice"; TOS comic: "Giri"; TOS novels: Enterprise: The First Adventure, Shadow Lord, The Kobayashi Maru, The Captain's Daughter)
- Kikani Sulu - his grandfather. (TOS - S31 novel: Cloak)
- Tetsuo Inomata - his great-grandfather. (TOS novels: Traitor Winds, The Kobayashi Maru)
- Akira Sulu - his great-great-grandfather. (TOS - The Janus Gate novel: Future Imperfect; TOS novelization: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
- Hikaru Sulu - Akira Sulu's uncle. (TOS novelization: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
- Susan Ling a.k.a. Ling Sui - Demora Sulu's mother (TOS novel: The Captain's Daughter)
- Hiromi Sulu - his grandson. (VOY novel: Pathways)
- Akira Sulu - his great-grandson. (ST video game: Star Trek Online)
Nyota Uhura[]
- Alhamisi Uhura - her father (TOS novel: The Starless World; TAS novelization: The Slaver Weapon)
- M'Umbha Uhura - her mother (TOS episode: "The Man Trap"; TOS novel: The Starless World)
- David Uhura - her brother (TAS novelization: The Slaver Weapon)
- Juma - her cousin (TLE novel: Catalyst of Sorrows)
- Uchawi Uhura - her grandfather (TAS novelization: The Slaver Weapon; TOS novels: The Starless World, The Three-Minute Universe)
Janice Rand[]
- Benjamin Rand - her brother (TOS novel: Enterprise: The First Adventure)
- Sirri Rand - her brother (TOS novel: Enterprise: The First Adventure)
- Annie Rand - her daughter (TOS novel: The Captain's Daughter)
Gary Mitchell[]
- Thomas Mitchell - his father (TOS - My Brother's Keeper novel: Republic)
- Dana Mitchell - his mother (TOS - My Brother's Keeper novel: Enterprise)
Mark Piper[]
- Four unnamed sons (TOS - My Brother's Keeper novel: Constitution)
- Unnamed daughter (TOS - My Brother's Keeper novel: Constitution)
- Unnamed sister (TOS novel: Traitor Winds)
Shiboline M'Ress[]
- M'nault - her father (TAS novelization: The Ambergris Element)
- M'mar - her mother (TAS novelization: The Ambergris Element)
- M'rest - her brother (TAS novelization: The Ambergris Element)
- M'sitt - her brother (TAS novelization: The Ambergris Element)
- M'nass - her sister (TAS novelization: The Ambergris Element)
John Harriman[]
- John "Blackjack" Harriman - his father (TOS novel: The Captain's Daughter; TLE novel: Serpents Among the Ruins)
Star Trek: The Next Generation[]
Jean-Luc Picard[]
- Claude Picard - his brother (TNG comic: "The Gift")
- Erno Picard - his uncle (TNG - Strange New Worlds V short story: "The Monkey Puzzle Box")
- Amarante Lebel - his niece (in name only as she is really his sister-in-law's niece) (TNG - Tales of the Dominion War short story: "Eleven Hours Out")
- Elise Picard - Nexus wife (TNG novelization: Generations)
- Olivia Picard - Nexus daughter (TNG novelization: Generations)
- Madison Picard - Nexus daughter (TNG novelization: Generations)
- Mimi Picard - Nexus daughter (TNG novelization: Generations)
- Matthew Picard - Nexus son (TNG novelization: Generations)
- Thomas Picard - Nexus son (TNG novelization: Generations)
- Katya Picard - Nexus wife of Rene Picard (TNG novelization: Generations)
- Brigitte Picard - his ancestor (DS9 novel: Trapped in Time)
- Robert Picard - his ancestor (DS9 novel: Trapped in Time)
Edward Jellico[]
- Unnamed son (TNG episode: "Chain of Command, Part I"; NF novel: Once Burned)
Morgan Bateson[]
- Mira Romaine - his wife (TOS episode: "The Lights of Zetar"; TOS - Strange New Worlds VI short story: "Ancient History"; TNG novel: Crossover)
William T. Riker[]
- Annie Riker - his mother (TLE novel: Deny Thy Father; TNG novel: Fortune's Light)
- Thaddeus Riker - his 22nd century ancestor (NF - Double Helix novel: Double or Nothing)
- Ard'rian - his wife in the Nexus (TNG episode: "The Ensigns of Command"; TNG - Strange New Worlds VI short story: "Tribble in Paradise")
Geordi La Forge[]
- Kastren - his 'moon-sister' (TNG comic: "The Broken Moon")
- Nadifa La Forge - his niece, the daughter of Ariana La Forge (TNG novel: Losing the Peace)
- Kaasin - his mother (TNG novel: Strike Zone; TLE novel: The Art of the Impossible)
- Jeremy Aster - his adopted brother (TNG episode: "The Bonding"; TNG comic: "The Lesson"; TNG novel: Diplomatic Implausibility)
- Megan - Jeremy's aunt (TNG comic: "The Lesson")
- Alexander Leonfeld - Alexander Rozhenko's ancestor (TNG novel: Ancient Blood)
- The Fifth Duke of Leonfeld - Alexander Leonfeld's father (TNG novel: Ancient Blood)
- Mrs. Gosch-Embourg - Alexander Leonfeld's mother (TNG novel: Ancient Blood)
- Jeremiah Coverman - Alexander Leonfeld's cousin (TNG novel: Ancient Blood)
- Amy Coverman - Jeremiah's wife (TNG novel: Ancient Blood)
- Mercy Starrett - Amy's aunt (TNG novel: Ancient Blood)
- Seth Starrett - Amy's cousin (TNG novel: Ancient Blood)
Beverly Crusher[]
Katherine Pulaski[]
- Kellec Ton - her first husband (TNG - Double Helix novel: Vectors)
- Brian Anderson - her second husband (TNG - Strange New Worlds II short story: "Calculated Risk")
Ro Laren[]
- Ro Gale - her father (TNG episodes: "Conundrum", "The Next Phase"; TNG - Strange New Worlds IV short story: "Flash Point")
- Ro Talia - her mother (TNG episodes: "Conundrum", "The Next Phase"; TNG - Strange New Worlds IV short story: "Flash Point")
Sean Hawk[]
- Rhyst Hawk aka Abram Hawk - his father (TNG - S31 novel: Rogue; TNG - Strange New Worlds IV short story: "Seeing Forever")
- Camille Hawk - his mother (TNG - S31 novel: Rogue; TNG - Strange New Worlds IV short story: "Seeing Forever")
- Darey Hawk - his brother (TNG - S31 novel: Rogue)
- Jason Hawk - his brother (TNG - S31 novel: Rogue)
Reginald Barclay III[]
- Reginald Barclay I - his grandfather (TNG - Strange New Worlds III short story: "Out of the Box, Thinking")
- Fido - her brother (TNG novel: Into the Nebula)
NOTE(1) that the end of the novel implies, but does not confirm, that Trelane is Q's son. Q himself openly states he is Trelane's godfather, though.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine[]
Julian Bashir[]
- Unnamed aunt (SCE eBook: Wounds, Book 2)
Dax and its hosts[]
- Unnamed brothers of unspecified number (of Tobin Dax) (DS9 short story: "Dead Man's Hand")
- Jayvin Vod - Audrid Dax's husband (DS9 short story: "Sins of the Mother")
- Neema Cyl - Audrid's daughter (DS9 short story: "Sins of the Mother")
- Gran - Audrid's son (DS9 short story: "Sins of the Mother")
- Devinel Vod - Vod's fifth host (DS9 short story: "Sins of the Mother")
- Baret Vod - Vod's fourth host (DS9 short story: "Sins of the Mother")
- Calila Vod - Vod's third host (DS9 short story: "Sins of the Mother")
- Kelin Vod - Vod's second host (DS9 short story: "Sins of the Mother")
- Timus Vod - Vod's first host (DS9 short story: "Sins of the Mother")
- Deilas Cyl - Cyl's former host (DS9 short story: "Sins of the Mother")
- Ziranne Idaris - Jadzia Dax's sister. (DS9 short story: "Reflections")
- Koal - Jadzia's uncle. (DS9 short story: "Reflections")
Miles O'Brien[]
- Sean O'Brien - his uncle (TNG comic: "The Lesson")
- Prinadora - his ex-sister-in-law (DS9 episode: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume?"; TNG - Double Helix novel: Vectors; DS9 - Worlds of Deep Space Nine novel: Ferenginar: Satisfaction is Not Guaranteed)
- Frin, Gorad and Prax - his uncles.
Benjamin Sisko[]
- Unnamed stepmother (DS9 episode: "Image in the Sand")
Star Trek: Voyager[]
Kathryn Janeway[]
- Gretchen Janeway - her mother. (VOY novel: Mosaic; VOY - Strange New Worlds IV short story: "Uninvited Admirals")
- Phoebe Janeway - her sister (VOY novel: Mosaic)
- Elsa - her grandmother (VOY - Strange New Worlds IV short story: "Uninvited Admirals")
- Kurt - Gretchen's stepfather (VOY - Strange New Worlds IV short story: "Uninvited Admirals")
- Katie - her great-aunt (VOY - Strange New Worlds IV short story: "Uninvited Admirals")
- Annie - her aunt (VOY - Strange New Worlds IV short story: "Uninvited Admirals")
- Shannon O'Donnel - her ancestor (VOY episode: "11:59"; TOS novels: The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 1, The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 2, The Rings of Time)
- Henry Janeway - her ancestor (VOY episode: "11:59")
- Sekaya- his sister (VOY novels: Old Wounds, Enemy of My Enemy)
Tom Paris[]
- Cinda Paris - his mother (VOY - Strange New Worlds IV short story: "Uninvited Admirals"; VOY novel: Cybersong)
- Moira Paris - his sister (VOY novel: Pathways)
- Kathleen Paris - his sister (VOY novel: Pathways)
- "Iron Mike" Paris - his grandfather. Died in the Tomed Incident. (TLE novel: Serpents Among the Ruins and CT story Iron and Sacrifice).
- Victoria Santos - his grandmother, wife of "Iron Mike" (TLE novel: Serpents Among the Ruins)
- Daniel Paris - his great-grandfather. Aide to Kirk as CSFO, later an admiral himself. (STA novel: Progenitor)
- Patricia Paris - his great-aunt, sister of "Iron Mike". (STA novel: Oblivion)
- Cole Paris - his uncle. Younger brother of Owen Paris. (STA novel: Progenitor)
Janeway and Paris[]
- Neelix - their son (VOY episode: "Threshold"; VOY - Strange New Worlds V short story: "On the Rocks")
- Tuvok - their son (VOY episode: "Threshold"; VOY - Strange New Worlds V short story: "On the Rocks")
- Harry - their son (VOY episode: "Threshold"; VOY - Strange New Worlds V short story: "On the Rocks")
- B'Elanna - their daughter (VOY episode: "Threshold"; VOY - Strange New Worlds V short story: "On the Rocks")
B'Elanna Torres[]
- Torg - Miral's father (VOY novel: Pathways)
- Miral's mother
- B'Kor (VOY novel: Pathways).
- L'Naan (VOY novel: Full Circle)
- Krelik - L'Naan's mother (VOY novel: Full Circle)
- Kor - Miral's uncle (VOY novel: Pathways)
- K'Karn - B'Elanna's second-cousin (VOY novel: Pathways)
- Lanna - K'Karn's cousin (VOY novel: Pathways)
Harry Kim[]
Veronica Stadi[]
- Shenzi - her aunt (VOY episode & novelization: Caretaker)
Star Trek: New Frontier[]
Mackenzie Calhoun[]
- D'ndai - his brother (NF - Double Helix novel: Double or Nothing; NF novels: House of Cards, Into the Void, End Game, Martyr; NF short story: "A Lady of Xenex")
- Xyon - Burgoyne 172 and Selar's son (NF - Double Helix novel: Double or Nothing; NF novels: Fire on High, Dark Allies, After the Fall, Missing in Action)
- Thala - her adopted daughter (TNG novel: The Eyes of the Beholders)
- Rajari - her father (NF - Double Helix novel: Double or Nothing; NF novel: The Two-Front War; NF - Excalibur novel: Requiem; NF short story: "Revelations")
- T'Pas - her mother (NF - Double Helix novel: Double or Nothing; NF novels: Into the Void, The Two-Front War; NF short story: "Revelations")
Robin Lefler[]
- Charles Lefler - her father (NF novel: Fire on High)
Mark McHenry[]
- Athena Palamas - Apollo and Carolyn Palamas' daughter (TOS novelization: Who Mourns for Adonais?; NF novel: Being Human)
Si Cwan[]
- Malia - Kalinda's adoptive mother (NF novel: The Quiet Place)
- Jerry Boyajian - his ancestor (TOS novel: The Rift; DC Comics first series).
More forthcoming