The Reman prototype covariant shield array was a Reman technology, a covariant shield array available for Allied starships and shuttlecraft in the early 25th century. (STO - Cloaked Intentions mission: "Coliseum")
In 2409, Starfleet, the Klingon Defense Force and the Romulan Republican Force first gained access to the Reman covariant shield array following an unintended incursion in the Tal Shiar base on Nopada Prime at the behest of Colonel Obisek of the Reman Resistance. (STO - Cloaked Intentions mission: "Coliseum")
With the Remans joining the Romulan Republic, New Romulus incorporated the shield in the Reman prototype space set. (STO - Call to Arms mission: "New Romulus (reputation)")
When an AQA commanding officer had this shield equipped on either starship or shuttlecraft, the vessel's hull appearance changed to a Reman-style green-tinted black look with bright, hexagonal highlights. This overrode the ship's existing material. It was based on the 2400s appearance of Reman-operated vessels. (STO - Cloaked Intentions mission: "Coliseum", STO - Romulan Mystery mission: "Heading Out")
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