Ruf was a 23rd century humanoid man, an officer serving in the Galactic Union Patrol.
In the year 2266, Ruf traveled aboard a small Galactic Union starship that observed the Starfleet starship USS Enterprise in orbit of the planet Stai, a holding of the Galactic Union. Ruf formally interrupted a state dinner between Staian Da Nek and Captain James T. Kirk. He bullied Da Nek into making Kirk leave the planet, stating in no uncertain terms that the Union was in control here, not the Staian people.
Ruf proceeded to monitor the starship's activities. When several landing parties were captured on Vrex attempting to rescue Stai children, Ruf personally placed Kirk into a brainwashing device. To test its effects, Ruf ordered Kirk to kill his own officers. Before Kirk could fire, however, a rescue team from the Enterprise overwhelmed the Union officers.
After the brainwashing was reversed on Kirk and the indoctrinated children, the Enterprise headed back to Stai. Again, Ruf followed them. When Da Nek saw him, he told Ruf that Stai was seceding from the Union. (TOS comic: "The Children of Stai")