Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Rupi Yee was a female Human native of Mars in the 24th century.

Yee grew up in the city of Valles Marineris on Mars, and as an adult, became a civilian transporter technician. She met her future husband, Sonek Pran, on Altair VI, while vacationing with her then-boyfriend Farin Zak. All three became friends, and the friendship continued after Yee and Zak ended their romantic relationship. Yee dated several other men afterward, including another friend of Pran's Matthew Zavitz. Following her breakup with Zavitz, Yee and Pran shared a long evening talking. At the end of the evening, both returned to her home, where they listened to a recording of the song "Crossroad Blues" and shared a passionate kiss. Not long after, the two were married. Together, they had two children: daughter Sara Pran Yee and son Ayib Yee Pran.

At some point, Yee joined Starfleet, and as of 2381, was assigned as transporter chief aboard the USS Sugihara. She was killed that year in the city of Lejico on planet Ardana, when an earthquake triggered a building collapse. Her funeral was held in Valles Marineris, and her life celebrated with music performed by members of the A.C. Walden Medicine Show. (ST novel: A Singular Destiny)

MarinerConspiracies1 This character's death occurred in the First Splinter timeline. In the prime timeline, events unfolded differently, meaning this person might not have died at that point, or that they died in a different manner.
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