Russia is a region on Earth. Starfleet officers Pavel Chekov and Ivan Verov were born and raised in Russia, and Worf also spent much of his childhood there.
From 1917 to 1991, Russia was part of the Soviet Union, one of the main nation-states on Earth.
Pavel Chekov was a native of Russia, and took great pride in his countrymen's accomplishments -- oftentimes to the point of exaggeration. (TOS episode: "Friday's Child", et al)
Sergey and Helena Rozhenko were also of Russian/Belarusian heritage, and raised their adopted son Worf in Minsk for part of his childhood. (TNG episode: "Family"; DS9 novel: The Left Hand of Destiny, Book One)
Anastasia Komananov was a fictional Russian in the Julian Bashir, Secret Agent holoprogram, based on the pulp novel character written in the 1980s based on real KGB spy Anastasia Natalya Komananov. (DS9 episodes: "Our Man Bashir", "His Way"; TOS novel: The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 2)
Irina Galliulin also was of Russian heritage and was always highly prideful of her background.
- Russia article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Russia article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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