In the mirror universe, the Sato Dynasty was the ruling family of the Terran Empire from 2155 to 2277.
The line originated with Empress Sato I who took power in January 2155. It included Empress Sato II and Sato III, the last of the Sato Dynasty, who was overthrown by Grand Admiral Spock in 2277. (ENT - Mirror Universe novel: Age of the Empress; TOS - Mirror Universe novel: The Sorrows of Empire)
- It is unclear whether the binary clone created from the DNA of Sato I and Shran was a part of this royal line, or if another of Sato's male consorts was the patriarch of the dynasty.
- It is also unclear whether or not there were other Emperors and Empresses in the Sato Dynasty besides the three named. Given the 122-year duration of the family's rule, however, this would seem more likely than not.