Sauria was the fourth planet of the Psi Serpentis star system in the Alpha Quadrant. It was the homeworld of the Saurian civilization and a member of the United Federation of Planets. (ST references: The Worlds of the Federation, Star Charts; ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: A Choice of Futures)
This world is known as Sorya' in tlhIngan Hol. (ST reference: Klingon for the Galactic Traveler)
The surface consists of major islands and seas, with no continents. (ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation)
Intense weather and a hot climate prompted the evolution of nocturnal animal life. Surface features included volcanoes and large rain forests. It was rich in dilithium, tritanium, and transuranic elements. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: A Choice of Futures)
Its atmosphere had a lower percentage of oxygen than on Earth. (TOS reference: Official Cooking Manual)
Saurian brandy came from Sauria. (ENT - The Romulan War novel: To Brave the Storm, ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: A Choice of Futures)
Before the Saurians had a unified planetary government, the Global League's name for their planet was Lyaksti'kton, while the M'Tezir called it N'Ragolar. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: A Choice of Futures)
First contact with Humans occurred in 2157, when the crew of the Earth Cargo Service freighter ECS Silk Road, made contact for supplies. As the various planetary governments did not have a common name for themselves, the Silk Road crew referred to them collectively as Saurians. The name was eventually adopted, with the planet referred to as Sauria.
The Saurians had a scientific theory similar to basic warp understanding, despite not yet having developed any sort of practical spaceflight.
By 2162, the Saurians had put their spaceflight knowledge to use and constructed at least two primitive space stations in orbit or their world. The Global League's orbital outpost was named Tai'sheku and the M'Tezir's M'Tezir One. Both of these stations hailed the USS Essex when it approached to make official Federation first contact. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: A Choice of Futures)
In 2385, Quark bought a new bar from a metalwright on Sauria for Deep Space 9. (ST - The Fall novel: Revelation and Dust)
Notable Saurians include:
- Maltuvis, Basileus of M'Tezir in the 2160s.
- Moxat, Presider of the Global League in 2163.
- Linus, USS Discovery science officer.
- Razka, a veteran Starfleet non-commissioned officer whose career spanned over a century. He served on starships such as the USS Sagittarius and the USS Enterprise-E.
- Bazel, a Starfleet captain and commanding officer of the Luna-class USS Rhea.
- Aennik Okeg, elected President of the United Federation of Planets in 2392.
planets visited by ships named Essex | |
USS Essex (Daedalus-class) | Draylax • Sauria • Starbase 8 planet • Delta IV • Theta Cygni XII • Ardan IV • Mab-Bu VI |
USS Essex (Constitution-class) | 34 Kraol III |