Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
See Heisenberg for other articles with titles that contain, either by relationship or by coincidence, this character's surname.

Scott Heisenberg was a human male, a Federation Starfleet officer serving in the 23rd and 24th centuries.

Starfleet Academy[]

While at Starfleet Academy, Heisenberg was nicknamed 'Uncertainty' - after Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle - due to his bad luck. (TLE novel: Catalyst of Sorrows)

Starfleet career[]

In 2285, Lieutenant junior grade Heisenberg was assigned to transporter duty at Old City Station, Earth. On his first day, he was locked in a closet by a phaser wielding Commander Nyota Uhura so he couldn't interfere with her unauthorized transport of Admiral James T. Kirk, Doctor Leonard McCoy and Commander Hikaru Sulu. He was trapped inside for two hours. (TOS novelization: Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

In 2286, after a chance encounter with her in a corridor at Starfleet Headquarters, he confessed to Uhura that he thought his kidneys were going to give out, and that he was reprimanded by his commanding officer for allowing Uhura to get the better of him. (ST - The Lost Era novel: Catalyst of Sorrows)

Some time after his closet incarceration, Heisenberg refined Starfleet's sensors to counter the Romulan cloaking device. He single-handedly continued to improve the detection capability after every upgrade of the device until the Romulans entered isolation following the Tomed Incident in 2311.

In 2360, Dr. Heisenberg was an operative for Starfleet Intelligence and designed all kinds of technical gadgets for use in the field. (ST - The Lost Era novel: Catalyst of Sorrows)

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