The Second Triangle Squadron, or Nawlogh WejHeh cha' Dlich, was a Klingon squadron, a 23rd century Klingon military unit.
History and specifics[]
Sometime after the Klingon occupation of Marram IX in the Triangle in 2281, the squadron's operations were based there.
By 2287, its flagship was the L42B Great Bird-class frigate IKV Deathless Glory under the command of Kresz sutai-Kargon. The other two vessels in the squadron were D18B Gull-class destroyers. All three vessels were readily identifiable from their bright-blue paint schemes.
In 2287, Admiral Koloth zantai-Rahanz replaced Kresz as squadron commander, and his vessel, the D10 Riskadh-class cruiser IKV Dominator, became the squadron's flagship. (FASA RPG module: The Dixie Gambit)