Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Second Triangle Squadron, or Nawlogh WejHeh cha' Dlich, was a Klingon squadron, a 23rd century Klingon military unit.

History and specifics[]

Sometime after the Klingon occupation of Marram IX in the Triangle in 2281, the squadron's operations were based there.

By 2287, its flagship was the L42B Great Bird-class frigate IKV Deathless Glory under the command of Kresz sutai-Kargon. The other two vessels in the squadron were D18B Gull-class destroyers. All three vessels were readily identifiable from their bright-blue paint schemes.

In 2287, Admiral Koloth zantai-Rahanz replaced Kresz as squadron commander, and his vessel, the D10 Riskadh-class cruiser IKV Dominator, became the squadron's flagship. (FASA RPG module: The Dixie Gambit)



Klingon units
Klingon Defense Force fleets 5th FleetGho'vaD Defense FleetHegh yan Strike FleetQabjech Exploratory FleetQo'noS Home FleetRoptargh Heavy Assault FleetSuk'valt Strike Fleet Klingon icon image.
Battle groups Battle Group 1Battle Group 5Battle Group 10123rd Assault FlotillaChoS Battle Group
Divisions 3rd Frontier Naval Division
Squadrons 44th Cruiser Squadron123rd Red Wing123rd Gold Wing123rd Steel Wing126th Escort Squadron7703rd Escort SquadronKaz's SquadronKija's SquadronKilistz's SquadronKinin's SquadronKolar's SquadronKuln's SquadronSecond Triangle Squadron
Other units 4th Frontier Force16th Service Group81st Transport Group688th Patrol GroupThreat Eradication Force
Imperial Marines units 1285th Marine Regiment1650th Marine RegimentDeathstrike
Other troops and guard units 15th SquadAssault squadHonor GuardHouse Pegh forcesPlanetary RegimentsYan-Isleth
Klingon Alliance fleets
(mirror universe)
2nd Fleet4th Fleet8th Fleet

