- For the novel, see Star Trek: Seekers.
The Seekers is the name of a Garidian sect on Frigis created after the teachings of Barinom, one of the Followers of the Lawgiver Avatrunei. Their chief was called Exalted Prominence and a title was Arch-Rashon.
They believed in doubting all knowledge and admitting ignorance. They revered the Door of Enlightment guarded by the Gatekeeper, an artificial intelligence. They also claimed to have the most accurate copy of the Lawgiver's Fifth Scroll.
In one of their Declaratories, the Seekers had taken a golden ring of the hall of the Chanters, as well as a sonic redigitizer.
By 2370 their chief was Aelont, who was the first to pass the questions of the Gatekeeper. His chief assistant was Arch-Rashon Nachyl. (TNG video game: A Final Unity)