Shi'al was a province on Vulcan.
This region was a region noted for its contrasting features unlike that of Tat'sahr. As it was on the equator, it was known for several different forms of climate. By the northern border with Tat'sahr, harsh deserts made up the region known as Cheleb-khor. On the east, there was a terrain of rolling hills which run down to the Thanor Sea. Many types of animal as well as plant life were seen here which was different compared to other places on the Vulcan homeworld. In the south was the path towards the oasis at ShirKahr where some of the oldest trees in the world were capable of surviving despite the conditions.
Past the capital of ShirKahr were the Shival Flats which was a large open desert area which reminded many Terrans of the Bonneville Salt Flats in the North American continent on Earth. However, unlike its counterpart on the Human homeworld, the Shival Flats offered people a chance to witness solar flare activity of Vulcan's star 40 Eridani A through safer means. These shows were noted as being quite spectacular but were only capable of being viewed during Vulcan's winter months as by the summer seasons, the flares were known to cause deadly lightning storms in the ionosphere that scouted the flats clean.
As it was one of the more tectonically stable areas on Vulcan, Shi'al had one of the largest populations of Vulcans on the planet. after the events of the Time of Awakening, the province changed from an area constantly wracked by war into the cultural center of Vulcan. The scars of the past were still noted to remain in some ways in the same manner as the lava flowed from Mount Tarhana which steamed over the horizon from ShirKahr's suburbs. (Last Unicorn RPG module: The Way of Kolinahr: The Vulcans)