The Shival Flats are a region on Vulcan.
History and specifics[]
The Shival Flats are a large open desert area located in the province of Raal, west of the city of ShirKahr. They are similar to the Bonneville Salt Flats of Earth. During Vulcan's winter months, 40 Eridani A's spectacular solar flares can be safely observed. During Vulcan's summer months, the flares create deadly lightning storms in the ionosphere that scour the flats clean. (Last Unicorn RPG module: The Way of Kolinahr: The Vulcans)
On 18 February 2267, Tim Pennington hitched a ride on a hovercar traveling to some small settlements on the Shival Flats while on his way to a water-collection station outside ShiKahr. (VAN novel: Precipice)