Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Approaching the Shrine at Dafu

The Shrine at Dafu was a large structure built on the planet Jodarr. It was built centuries before the 23rd century and was where the mysterious Great Vrunon first appeared and gave advice to the future Emperor Ledoy on the eve of a battle.



Interior of the shrine featured a holographic projection within a crystal

The shrine was located near a bend in a river, and could be reached within hours by boat from Ledoy’s castle, either via the imperial barge or by rowboat. The shrine was about 50 feet tall with a domed ceiling and had an additional 10-foot tall cap on top. It had statuary out front, six glass doors, and an immense, framed, triangular glass window to provide natural lighting.

The interior featured a 10-foot-tall, carved, pyramid-shaped platform which supported a 6-foot-tall cube-shaped crystal. Behind the platform, a trap door led to a basement containing a holographic projector.


To interact among the local humanoid population, Vrunon projected an image of an enlarged humanoid head through the large cube, creating a wizardly persona. Vrunon’s guidance allowed Ledoy to defeat competing warrior kings and unite the population. Vrunon planned to provide Ledoy with instructions for making a printing press and how to use electricity. (TOS comic: "Spore of the Devil")


