Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Sitar.

In an alternate timeline where Terra Prime kept United Earth from joining the Coalition of Planets in 2155, the Sitar class was a 23rd century Interstellar Coalition starship type, a Vulcan-built diplomatic-service ringship class in Interstellar Coalition Space Command service in the 2260s decade. (ST - Myriad Universes - Infinity's Prism novel: A Less Perfect Union)

Service history[]




At some point before the 23rd century, Sitar of Vulcan was a known scientist whose level of genius was analog to Albert Einstein and Kazanga. (TOS episode: "The Ultimate Computer")

Coalition service[]

Grenzen der Logik cover

22nd century Vulcan ringships.

In the 23rd century, the Vulcans provided the Interstellar Coalition with the Sitar-class diplomatic vessel. A ship's name was written on the hull in a trilingual fashion - in Andorii, Tellaran and the Vulcan language.

The ICV Kuvak was a diplomatic vessel of this class. As such, it was exempt from Coalition Space Command's diversity requirements, unlike the Soval-class cruiser. For its Vulcan-only crew, this required greater emphasis on their Surakian stoicism compared to being surrounded by emotional species.

Coalition ships were warp-capable, defended by deflector shields and armed with phasers. The Sitar had Type III phaser emitters on its ventral hull. During the conference at Babel concerning Coalition-United Earth relations in the year 2264, a Romulan Vas Hatham-class bird of prey destroyed the Kuvak with a single plasma torpedo. (ST - Myriad Universes - Infinity's Prism novel: A Less Perfect Union)

Alternate timeline[]

In the primary universe, Federation Starfleet operated a Class F shuttlecraft named Setar, assigned to the Vulcan-crewed USS Intrepid, in the 2260s. (TOS episode: "Court Martial")

Known vessels[]



Starship classes of the Confederacy of Vulcan and Ni'Var
By name D'KyrD'VahlKarekhMaymoraMerchantRazorSh'RaanSh'vhalSitarSolkar/T'PauSovalSuurokT'KarathT'PariT'Plana HathTal'KyrToj LolVahklasVoroth Confederacy of Vulcan icon image.
By type combat cruiserringship (Protectorate ringship) • cruiserNSS T'Pau-typeprobe shipretrofitted dorsal carrierrobot shipshuttlesurvey ship

Appearances and references[]
