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Slavery is the act of forcing a being into servitude against their will and without compensation.
The Cardassians on the mining moon Davonia used Bajoran slave labor in the form of captured Bajoran Resistance fighters. These Bajoran slaves were liberated in 2370. (DS9 novel: Devil in the Sky)
Known races and societies that practice slavery are:
- Klingons
- Cardassians
- Romulans
- Orions: see Orion slavery, Orion slave girl and Grey Orion
- Magna Romans
- Chiarans
- In the mirror universe, the Tholians, the Terran Empire and the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance
Those (officially) opposed to it are:
- The Federation
- Slavery article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Slavery article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.