Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Soundwave was a Cybertronian and a high-ranking Decepticon, serving as the faction's chief communications officer. He possessed the ability to deploy the Mini-Cons, Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, Rumble, Frenzy and Ravage from his chest compartment.


Millions of years prior to the 23rd century, Cybertron fell into civil war, Soundwave joining the Decepticons, becoming the faction's third-in-command and near-fanatically loyal to his leader Megatron. Four million years ago, the forces unleashed by the war had ripped Cybertron from its orbit and it drifted into the path of the Sol asteroid belt, the rocks threatening to destroy it. Autobot High Command boarded a starship to clear a path through the field with Megatron's flagship attacking the Autobots once the hole had been created, Soundwave among the boarding party. Passing too close to the nearby Earth however, the Autobot ship spun out of control and crashed into a volcano on the prehistoric planet, all aboard falling into stasis lock. In the 1980s, the volcano erupted, reactivating everyone and starting a secret war for Earth's supply of energon, Soundwave reformatting himself into a microcassette recorder with his minions scanning microcassettes that he could eject. In the year 2026, Earth fell to World War III. With Optimus Prime leading his forces off-world in search of more energon, the Decepticons followed in Trypticon. After trailing the Autobots for decades, the Decepticons attacked over Cygnus Seven, with history repeating itself as the Decepticon boarding caused the Autobot ship to fly out of control and crash land, knocking everyone into stasis. On stardate 5892.7, a dilithium survey team was exploring the caverns and unknowingly triggered Fortress Maximus' autonomic protocols. By random chance, Megatron was the first to be reactivated, healing his troops and leading an attack on the surface. (TAS - Star Trek vs. Transformers comic: "Issue 2")

Riding in Thundercracker, Soundwave observed the attack on the Federation colony before Optimus Prime arrived only to be wounded into stasis by Kirk's phaser. When the human captain demanded that the invaders identify themselves, Megatron simply ordered Soundwave to execute the organics. Soundwave's audio disruptor waves managed to pierce the static surrounding Cygnus Seven allowing Kirk to call the USS Enterprise for a photon torpedo strike. Soundwave then detected Trypticon's distress beacon before he was injured when the torpedo landed. At Soundwave's guidance, the Decepticons retreated to another of the system's moons, discovering Kuri's Klingons investigating the Titan. (TAS - Star Trek vs. Transformers comic: "Prime's Directive, Part One")

Kuri eventually managed to win over Megatron, the Decepticons entering into an alliance with the Klingon Empire. After Trypticon had scanned Kuri's downed D7, the Titan crippled the Enterprise while Soundwave jammed planetary communications to prevent the landing party from contacting the ship. (TAS - Star Trek vs. Transformers comic: "Issue 2")

Soundwave subsequently joined the ground force of the attack, bearing witness to the emergence of the other Autobots. In the subsequent battle, he engaged Bumblebee in battle only to be tripped up by the more nimble scout before Fortress Maximus forced Trypticon back to robot mode for a duel. (TAS - Star Trek vs. Transformers comic: "Issue 3") As the tide of the battle began to turn against the Decepticons, Starscream went rogue, stealing a bounty of dilithium and warping off to conquer Qo'noS. Furious, Megatron ordered his forces to pursue. As the Decepticons warped after Starscream, Soundwave tried to have Megatron abandon the chase, as there was dilithium to be found elsewhere, only for Megatron to reveal his intent was to finally put an end to Starscream's treachery. (TAS - Star Trek vs. Transformers comic: "Issue 4")

The Decepticons arrived at Qo'noS just as Starscream was taking over the Klingon High Council. After Megatron ended Starscream, Soundwave deployed his minions to round up the Klingons as a slave force before the Autobots and Starfleet arrived to defend Qo'noS, being aided by the Klingons. After a brief battle, Megatron ordered Soundwave to deploy his audio disruptor waves once again. Though the attack downed the Autobots and Starfleet, Klingon biology was deaf to the weapon's frequency allowing them to call in a fleet of D7s that caught the Decepticons by surprise. While the Autobots and Starfleet were subsequently allowed to leave Qo'noS, the Decepticons were left in Klingon custody. (TAS - Star Trek vs. Transformers comic: "Issue 5")


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