Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Spetzkar were an elite unit of the Breen Militia.

In 2384, members of this unit were guarding a Borg factory complex on the planet code-named Mangala that was being used to mass-produce Soong-type androids. Among their equipment was an updated version of the standard full-body suit that all Breen wore. This version was equiped with the ability to shroud the wearer, a feature that was adapted from the Jem'Hadar thanks to the Breen Confederacy's alliance with the Dominion during the Dominion War. (TNG - Cold Equations novel: The Persistence of Memory)

In 2386, several Spetzkar commandos crossed into the mirror universe to obtain Memory Omega jaunt drive capabilities. (S31 novel: Disavowed)

The Spetzkar are apparently based upon the SpetsnazWP, the special forces of Russia.