Star Trek: Challenger is a spinoff series of Star Trek literature published by Pocket Books. The series was created by Pocket editor John J. Ordover and writer Diane Carey, and was a continuation of the six-novel storyline, New Earth. The sixth and final New Earth book, leading into this series, was subtitled Challenger, published in August, 2000. The Challenger series trailed off after only two entries, a novel entitled Chainmail, and a short story, "Exodus", both of which part of the Gateways crossover.
New Earth[]
- Wagon Train to the Stars by Diane Carey
- Belle Terre by Dean Wesley Smith with Diane Carey
- Rough Trails by L.A. Graf
- The Flaming Arrow by Kathy Oltion and Jerry Oltion
- Thin Air by Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith
- Challenger by Diane Carey
- Gateways #2: Chainmail by Diane Carey
- Gateways: What Lay Beyond (anthology) short story, Exodus by Diane Carey
Main characters (Challenger)[]
- Commander Nick Keller
- Shucorion
- Savannah Ring
- Zoa
- Zane Bonifay
- Lucy Quinones
External link[]
- Star Trek: Challenger article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.