Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant. Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{spoiler}}, {{spoilers}} OR {{majorspoiler}} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU


Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Star Trek: Communicator was a licensed Star Trek magazine published by Decipher/FANtastic Media with cover dates of December 1994/January 1995 to April/May 2005. The publication was initially titled as the Star Trek Official Fan Club Magazine in 1982, after two years as a fan newsletter/magazine, and ran for 155 total issues. Editors included founder Dan Madsen (1980-1998) and then Larry Nemecek (1998-2005). Contributors included Dayton Ward, Kevin Dilmore, Mark A. Altman, Richard ArnoldMA, Rick BermanMA, Terry Hiller, Rich Handley, Salman Nensi, Kevin Stevens, J. Kelley Burke, and Bjo Trimble.

It was the main publication of the Official Star Trek Fan Club. Its first 99 issues were published under the title of Star Trek: The Official Fan Club Magazine. Its original publisher, FANtastic Media, was purchased by Decipher in February 2001, with an announcement of the merge appearing in issue #132. A "Quark's Bazaar" merchandise catalog was featured in each bimonthly issue. Originally available as a membership perk only, the magazine added newsstand sales in 1998.

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Number Published Contents Cover
101 February/March 1995 STC101
105 December 1995/January 1996 STC105
108 August/September 1996 STC108
109 November/December 1996 STC109
110 January/February 1997 STC110
111 March/April 1997
112 May/June 1997 STC112
113 August/September 1997 STC113
114 December 1997/January 1998 STC114
115 February March 1998 STC115
116 April May 1998 STC116
117 June July 1998 STC117
118 August September 1998 STC118
119 October November 1998 STC119
120 December 1998/January 1999 STC120
121 February/March 1999 STC121
122 April/May 1999 STC122
123 June/July 1999 STC123
124 August/September 1999 STC124
125 October/November 1999 STC125
126 December/January 2000 STC126
127 February/March 2000 STC127
128 April/May 2000 STC128
129 2000 STC129
130 October/November 2000 STC130
131 December 2000/January 2001 STC131
132 February/March 2001 STC132
133 June/July 2001 STC133
134 August/September 2001 STC134
135 October/November 2001 STC135
136 December 2001/January 2002 STC136
137 April/May 2002 STC137
138 June/July 2002 STC138
140 October/November 2002 STC140
141 December 2002/January 2003 STC141
142 February/March 2003 STC142
145 August/September 2003 STC145
152 October/November 2004 STC152
155 April/May 2005 STC155




Star Trek Magazines
Collections Final FrontierStardate MagazineStarDriveStarlogComicExplorerFact FilesGiant Poster BookMagazineCommunicatorDS9 - The Official Poster MagazineThe Collector's EditionThe MagazineTNG MagazineTNG - The Official Poster MagazineThe Official Fan Club MagazineThe Official Fan Club of the UK MagazineThe Official Starships CollectionTOS - The Collector's EditionOfficial TNG MagazineOfficial DS9 MagazineOfficial VOY Magazine
Single Issues The Motion Picture - Giant Poster BookThe Motion Picture - Novel Pin-up Poster BookThe Wrath of Khan - The Official Movie MagazineThe Wrath of Khan - Official Movie Poster MagazineThe Search for Spock - The Official Movie MagazineThe Search for Spock - Poster MagazineThe Voyage Home - The Official Movie MagazineThe Voyage Home - The Official Poster MagazineThe Final Frontier - The Official Movie MagazineThe Undiscovered Country - The Official Movie MagazineGenerations - Official Movie Souvenir MagazineGenerations - The Official Poster MagazineFirst Contact - Official Movie Souvenir MagazineFirst Contact - The Official Poster MagazineInsurrection - Official Movie Souvenir Magazine

External links[]
