Star Trek: Prometheus is a novel miniseries created by Christian Humberg and Bernd Perplies. It is a sequel to the events of Star Trek: The Fall. Prometheus will feature tensions on the frontier between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire, and will center on the USS Prometheus (NX-74913) and the IKS Bortas as they investigate the threat of terrorism in the Lembatta Cluster.
History and specifics[]
Cross Cult negotiated for two years with CBS and received the rights to participate in the 50th anniversary of the Star Trek franchise by writing and publishing a trilogy of novels set in the year 2385 of the ongoing novel continuity.
The series was originally published from July to September 2016 in German. English translations began to be released in November 2017, with Keith R.A. DeCandido providing editorial assistance.[1] Audiobooks of the English-language editions were announced from Big Finish Productions, and began release, in July 2018.[2]
The novels were announced by Cross Cult's "Star Trek Romane" account on their Facebok site on 23 November 2015. Bernd Perplies, one of the authors, elaborated on the series in online posts. The three novels would feature Captain Richard Adams of the USS Prometheus facing off against Klingons, other aliens and terrorists in the Lembatta Cluster in the Beta Quadrant, shortly after the assassination of Human Federation President Nanietta Bacco and the election of Andorian President Kellessar zh'Tarash.
Main characters[]
- Captain Richard Adams
- Commander Roaas
- Lieutenant Commander Sarita Carson
- Lieutenant Commander Lenissa zh'Thiin
- Lieutenant Commander Jenna Winona Kirk
- Lieutenant Commander Mendon
- Lieutenant Jassat ak Namur
- Lieutenant Chell
- Ensign Paul Winter
- Doctor Geron Barai
- Moba
External links[]
- Star Trek: Prometheus article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Series introduction and novel blurbs at the official Star Trek Romane website.
- Senior crew manifest on author Bernd Perplies's website (in German).
- Richard Adams's CV on author Bernd Perplies's website (in German).