Starbase 129 was a Federation facility in the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant in operation in the 24th century, located in Federation space near the Cardassian Union's border, proximate to the Argus Array. (TNG episode: "Parallels")
It is also in the vicinity of Alpha Majoris. (ST reference: Star Charts)
History and specifics[]
In the early 24th century, Starbase 129 was a key Starfleet Intelligence post for intelligence gathering on the Cardassian Union. As of the 2330s, the information gathered there was classified top secret. (TLE novel: Well of Souls)
In 2374, during the Dominion War, Starbase 129 reported on the casualties from the Starfleet 9th Fleet. (DS9 episode: "In the Pale Moonlight")
In 2376, the Starfleet Corps of Engineers team aboard the USS Musgrave was charged with an assignment on Starbase 129. The USS Prokofiev had a layover at Starbase 129 at approximately the same time. (NF - No Limits short story: "The Road to Edos")
External link[]
- Starbase 129 article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.