Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy Starship Bridge Simulator was released by Interplay in 1994, and was the third Star Trek game released by Interplay and the first simulator game set at Starfleet Academy.

A similar game featuring most of the same characters, Starfleet Academy, was released on PC and Macintosh home computers in 1997.

Starfleet Academy Starship Bridge Simulator (SNES book)

Game manual image.


Operation Retrieve[]

Cat and Mouse[]

Nothing Ventured[]

New Ally[]

Into the Abyss[]

The Menith Test[]


Casualties of War[]


Romulan Ploy[]


Prototype 2[]

Zy, God, Zy?[]

Simulation Skirmishes[]

Revenge is a Dish That is Best Served Cold[]

End Game[]

War Patrol[]

Special Delievery[]

The Dogs of War[]

Preemptive Strike[]

Kobayashi Maru[]


Balance of Terror[]

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan[]

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country[]



Robin BradyGeoff ColondKennith ElliotKevin ElliotEmtatAmos GrantFred HaskemDarryl HawkinsHungiJonesJames T. KirkVanda M'GiiaMokjanReynoldsAlex RotherotSturek, son of StoonYolanda Urquan
Referenced only
MirandaHermann OberthProsperoWilliam ShakespeareStoon

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Banting (Oberth-class research vessel/scout) • USS Excalibur (Miranda-class) • HansenHecateUSS Kitty Hawk (Miranda-class) • King James (type-4 shuttlecraft) • MorayNicholasPhoenix (heavy cruiser) • Volt (Class J cargo ship) • USS ConstitutionStella
Referenced only
USS Reliant (Miranda-class)


Starbase 5Starbase 7Starbase 9Starbase 10Starbase 11Starbase 12Starbase 14Starbase 16


the galaxyJocwalthKapokLambda colonyMu colonyMuudokSaraclesZeta colonyZhraad

Stations and outposts[]

Kyzella OutpostMenith Station

Planets and planetoids[]

AlcaAtabisBeta IICastorClark ColonyDelphiDiogenesHolly IIKeplar IVKlahmacMenith IIMenith IIINewton IIRigel VIISherman's PlanetStonrakTri-Rho Nautica

Stars and systems[]

AridanesBygothDemeter protostarGalway systemGaragHanabHanab protostarHansuHollyKorebKumasiManitoba systemMenithMirazPraetusRoggTalgat

Stellar regions[]

Ajman sectorBeta SectorIngama NebulaMiraz passageVrung sectorJanus SectorZeta SectorLambda SectorMu Sector

Races and cultures[]


States and organizations[]

FederationHycombia ConfederationRomulan Imperial FleetRomulan Star EmpireStarfleet

Technology and weapons[]

computerDaystrom Operating Systemnavigation beaconstarship

Energy and substances[]


Ranks and titles[]


Other references[]

20th century23rd centurycolonyenergygalaxygovernmentHawking Conferencehumanoidlifeformliteraturemattermilitarynation-stateplanetpoolrankspacespace stationstarstar systemtechnologyThe Tempesttitleuniverseweapon


The console versions were nearly identical to each other. The 32X version had slightly better graphics, as well as a bonus Pool mini game in the Academy lounge, though had lower-quality music and sound effects due to the Genesis/32X's weaker audio chip. The Super NES version included cheat codes to unlock names from TOS, and using the name "James Kirk" will allow the player to defeat the final mission, the normally-unwinnable Kobayashi Maru test. The name "Worf" is a hidden "Easter egg".

Compared to the PC version, the Venturi were slightly different, and an alien race called the Ly were more powerful than the Romulans, Klingons, Gorn and Tholians combined.



Stories set in Starfleet Academy
Comics Starfleet Academy ("Prime DirectivesLibertyLoyalty TestWar and PeaceLove and DeathPassagesHide and SeekReturn to the Forbidden PlanetA Prelude to WarJudgmentTelepathy War (Part One) • Parents' DayT'Priell Revealed (Part OnePart TwoPart Three) • Culture ClashMangHom qaDBetween Love and Hate") • Starfleet Academy!Starfleet Academy (Issue 1Issue 2Issue 3Issue 4Issue 5) • Picard's Academy ("Loup Solitaire" • "Hurler Avec Les Loups" • "Froid de Loup" • "Les Loups Ne Se Mangent Pas Entre Eux" • "Dans La Gueule Du Loup" • "Jeune Loup")
Movies Starfleet Academy SCISEC Briefs (SCISEC Brief 001: "Mystery Behind Voyager" • SCISEC Brief 002: "Mystery Behind Ceti Alpha VI" • SCISEC Brief 003: "Mystery Behind the Vulcan Katra Transfer" • SCISEC Brief 004: "The Whale Probe" • SCISEC Brief 005: "Nimbus III" • SCISEC Brief 006: "Praxis" • SCISEC Brief 007: "Trilithium" • SCISEC Brief 008: "Temporal Vortex" • SCISEC Brief 009: "The Origins of the Ba'ku and Son'a Conflict" • SCISEC Brief 010: "Thalaron Radiation")
Novels Video game novelization1990s series (Crisis on VulcanAftershockCadet KirkWorf's First AdventureLine of FireSurvivalLifelineThe Chance FactorQuarantine) • The Best and the BrightestAcademy: Collision Course2010s series (The Delta AnomalyThe EdgeThe Gemini AgentThe Assassination Game)
Short stories "The Bottom Line" • "Best Tools Available" • "Academy Acquisition"
Video games Starfleet Academy Starship Bridge SimulatorStarfleet AcademyStarfleet Academy: Strategic CommandStarfleet Academy: Chekov's Lost MissionsAcademy TrainerCadet Training Facility
Live performances Star Trek LiveThe Starfleet Academy Experience

External link[]
