- For the game, see Starfleet Command.
- For the mirror universe counterpart, see Starfleet Command (mirror).

Seal of Starfleet Command.
Starfleet Command (or Starfleet Central) is the organizational and head of the command division of the Federation's Starfleet. It is based in San Francisco at Starfleet Headquarters (which is itself also sometimes referred to as "Starfleet Command"). Most of Starfleet Command is made up of the Admiralty and their support staff. Starfleet Command is headed by the Commanding Officer, Starfleet Command.
By the year 12263, in a possible future timeline, Starfleet Command was called Unifleet Command. (ST - Strange New Worlds VI short story: "Our Million-Year Mission")
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External link[]
- Starfleet Command article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.