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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Stellar nomenclature is the manner in which stars and star systems are named. Since many races and cultures study stellar phenomena over the course of centuries and millennia, there are intricate forms for defining the various bodies perceived by astronomers.

Constellations and asterisms[]

Multiple civilizations have developed constellations, which are groups of visible fixed phenomena in the sky of their planets that have special meanings or histories. These early separations have become the root of the names of the most prominent stars visible from Earth, although some stars were more simply named for their basic characteristics.

On Earth, early star names simply described their places in constellations with approximate names based on the subject of the constellation or asterism. The rise of science gave new designations, still based on constellations, with numbers and letters assigned on the basis of the stars visibility and perceived importance. These scientific designation tended to use the genitive form of the constellation name based on ancient Greek and Roman terms.

stellar constellations
visible from Andoria The BullThe EagleThe Hybor
visible from Bajor The DawnThe FallsFive BrothersThe FlamesThe ForestThe OrbPetaluneThe RunnersThe TearsThe Temple
visible from Berengaria VII Maxia
visible from Earth AndromedaAntliaApusAquariusAquilaAraAriesAurigaBoötesCaelumCamelopardalisCancerCanes VenaticiCanis MajorCanis MinorCapricornusCarinaCassiopeiaCentaurusCepheusCetusChamaeleonCircinusColumbaComa BerenicesCorona AustralisCorona BorealisCorvusCraterCruxCygnusDelphinusDoradoDracoEquuleusEridanusFornaxGeminiGrusHerculesHorologiumHydraHydrusIndusLacertaLeoLeo MinorLepusLibraLupusLynxLyraMensaMicroscopiumMonocerosMuscaNormaOctansOphiuchusOrionPavoPegasusPerseusPhoenixPictorPiscesPiscis AustrinusPuppisReticulumSagittaSagittariusScorpiusScutumSerpensTaurusTriangulumTriangulum AustraleTucanaUrsa MajorUrsa MinorVelaVirgoVolansVulpecula
visible from Monorha Oweninum's Beltunnamed constellations

Catalog names[]

As observers develop more advanced tools for viewing stars, and counting and measuring them, the number of individual names begin to dwarf the capacity of language, and stars may then be numbered on the basis of various details of their discovery.

FGC catalog[]

Messier catalog[]

NGC catalog[]

T'Lin's New Catalog[]

UFC catalog[]

Wolf catalog[]

Named for people or groups[]

A star may be named by or for the person who records its appearance from an astronomical perspective, or it may in turn be named by or for a explorer who visits or claims the phenomena.

Named for region or location[]

As space travel becomes common, distant catalogued stars may take on new importance as destinations, or points of interest. These stars may be named for the region they are in, with notations similar to constellation names.

  • Gamma Hromi, part of Hromi cluster

Multiple stars[]

Multiple stars that exist in the same system are usually lettered in scientific notation, unless they have individual given names that don't require distinction.


