Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Stephen.
This character is a member of Spock's family.

Vulcan IDIC Seal

Stephen was a blond Vulcan national, an entertainer, and a juggler in the 23rd century. In 2264, he was hired by Amelinda Lukarian to be the new juggler for the Warp-Speed Classic Vaudeville Company, and boarded the USS Enterprise en route to Starbase 13.

Stephen drew the anger of Captain James T. Kirk after performing a potentially fatal stunt while docking his ship, the Dionysus, with the Enterprise. He also garnered the disapproval of Lieutenant Commander Spock for displaying emotion. During the journey to Starbase 13, Spock displayed some familiarity with Stephen, and later, he admitted to Doctor Leonard McCoy that they were cousins.

Stephen also kept a cat named Ilya. (TOS novel: Enterprise: The First Adventure)

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Warp-Speed Classic Vaudeville Company
AtheneCockspurGreg and Maris (Greg, Maris) • Amelinda LukarianMarcellinNewland Yanagimachi RiftStephenPhilomena ThetisTzesnashstennaj