Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Strangers from the Sky was a best-selling novel by Doctor Garamet Jen-Saunor, published in 2285. It was a historical dramatization of a Vulcan scoutship crash landing on Earth in 2045, twenty years prior to official first contact. It was allegedly based on actual events, kept secret at the time, as documented in files revealed by the Vulcan Archives following the death of the final participant.

Dr. Leonard McCoy recommended the book to both James T. Kirk and Spock, much as he had previously with J.M. Ford's novel The Final Reflection. (TOS novel: Strangers from the Sky)

Though the title is not given, a 23rd century novel Jean-Luc Picard reads in TNG novel: A Time to Sow, which "purported to be the 'real story' of Earth's first encounter with the Vulcans", is an apparent reference to this book.
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