Sugar is a chemical composite of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen atoms in chains often found in lifeforms, where they are utilized for energy release when broken down. Sugars from plant sources are often consumed by animals and humanoids of many races and cultures, as a required portion of their diet. Sugar can also represent a danger of over-consumption, which leads to energy-level imbalance and physical damage, even though a drop in sugar could represent a health risk as well. Molecules of sugar can be used in various other ways in a lifeform's body and cells, and many varieties of DNA have sugar molecules in their structures.
Humans and other species often consume sugary foods that are not considered a necessity of their diet, especially in the form of candy. Many civilizations also add sugar to sweeten products that are bitter in flavor, or even those that are simply bland. Tea and coffee beverages are often mixed with sugar to an individual's preference. One variety of particular quality was Demerara sugar, which Number One considered to be a luxury with her coffee. (EV comic: "Nor Iron Bars a Cage"; DS9 episode: "Armageddon Game"; TNG episode: "All Good Things...")
While Klingons often rely on protein sources of food, such a the meat of prey, they also possess a high-metabolism which makes them rely on a relatively high sugar intake. Fruit juice is often consumed, and more refined tastes enjoy gel pastry of various recipes. Klingons enjoy food and drink which causes physical reactions, including sugary beverages such as the sweet coffee beverage raktajino, and strong juices like prune juice. (TOS - Worlds Apart novels: The Final Reflection, How Much for Just the Planet?; TNG episode: "Yesterday's Enterprise"; DS9 episode: "Dax", etc.)
Many animals are drawn to sugar due to its sweet flavor. Christopher Pike used to keep sugar cubes in his pockets to reward his horse, Tango during rides through his native Mojave on Earth. When the Talosians created a telepathic recreation of Pike's picnic rides, the illusion was so detailed that when the horse nosing for a treat, and found the Talosians had placed the image of sugar in his pocket. (TOS episode: "The Cage"; TOS episode & Star Trek 4 novelization: The Menagerie)
In a mundane food synthesizer failure, USS Enterprise navigator Marietta Cheung received a food order of duck lu-se-te that tasted like wood chips in sugar syrup. (TOS novel: Enterprise: The First Adventure)
Sugar was a prime ingredient in Briorian needle knuckle, a delicacy of the Briori civilization that consists of a special combination of sweets and cartilage. (ST reference: Star Trek Cookbook)
Additional references[]
- TOS novels: Vulcan!, World Without End
- TOS - The New Voyages 2 short story: "Surprise!"
- TOS novel: Ishmael
- TOS - Rihannsu novel: The Romulan Way
- TOS - The Lost Years novel: The Lost Years
- ST - Klingons - Blood Will Tell comic: "Issue 2"
- TOS - Star Trek II Short Stories short story: "Wild Card"
- TNG novel: Metamorphosis
- ENT novel: What Price Honor?
- ST - Destiny novel: Mere Mortals
External links[]
- Sugar article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Sugar article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.