Surak's Peak was a location on the planet Vulcan which was situated at Mount Seleya. It was located near the summit of the mountain and was ground where the Vulcan philosopher and Father of Logic Surak had walked nearly two millennia before the 22nd century in the time when his people moved away from barbarism in order to embrace the discipline of logic. The area was considered one of the most historic as well as revered places on the planet and was the site of many meditations, particularly from those adepts that took part in the Kolinahr ritual.
In 2156, during the Earth-Romulan War, T'Pol met Minister Kuvak and Administrator T'Pau in order to determine why the Confederacy of Vulcan was not aiding the Coalition of Planets against the Romulan Star Empire. (ENT novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)