T'Pragh was a Vulcan woman who lived in the 23rd and 24th centuries.
T'Pragh served in Starfleet, and later in life entered politics. She was elected President of the United Federation of Planets at some point in the mid-24th century, and was in office during the Khitomer Massacre and the Tzenkethi War. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation; ST video game: Infinite)
- The Myriad Universes novel The Chimes at Midnight establishes T'Pragh as a Starfleet admiral in the year 2293 of an alternate timeline. This is not inconsistent with the limited biographical information about the "real" T'Pragh, nor would it seem to conflict with the different facts of the divergent timelines.
T'Pragh died sometime prior to 2380. In the commencement address to the Starfleet Academy graduating class that year, President Nanietta Bacco mentioned T'Pragh as one of the Federation's finest presidents. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation)
- T'Pragh's term (or terms) in office as President took place somewhere between 2346 and 2364, but the specific years and number of terms have not been established.
Alternate timeline[]
In an alternate timeline, Admiral T'Pragh attended a meeting with Federation President Ra-ghoratreii, Thelin th'Valrass, Patrick West, and David Marcus in 2293, where the possibility of deploying of the Genesis Device against Praxis in an attempt to end the Genesis War was discussed. (TOS - Myriad Universes novel: The Chimes at Midnight)
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Preceded by: unspecified |
President of the United Federation of Planets 2346–2365 |
Succeeded by: Amitra |
This section is written from the Real World point of view. |
Geoff Trowbridge, the author of The Chimes at Midnight, has confirmed that T'Pragh of the alternate timeline is intended to be the same character mentioned in Articles of the Federation.[citation needed]
- ST novel: Articles of the Federation
- TOS - Myriad Universes novel: The Chimes at Midnight
- ST video game: Infinite