T. Carman (born reference stardate 1/93) was a 23rd century Human, an enlisted Starfleet crewperson in the 2270s decade.
Carman was serving in the security department of the Federation starship USS Arkadelphia on stardate 2/18, under the command of Captain Ian Vellacora. During the ship's first mission to the border of the Asparax Confederation, Carman was assigned to guard duty at the ship's armory. At the beginning of the emergency, Carman could be found off-duty, in crew quarters. (FASA RPG module: Decision at Midnight)
In the game statistics provided for the non-player characters, Carman had 50% as a numerical rating of loyalty to Captain Vellacora, making it just as likely a die roll would side Carman with mutineers and assist them in relieving the captain of command as it would side this crewman with the captain.
For the purpose of the FASA RPG, this character was assigned a number of attributes to determine the outcome of die rolls.
endurance 75 |
intellect 38 |
dexterity 47 |
charisma 52 |
luck 39 |
psionics 11 |
action points 9 |
to-hit 49 |
hand-to-hand 49 |