Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

T. Ishmael Snowden was a Human male serving in the Federation Starfleet in the 24th century.


During the Tzenkethi War, he served aboard the USS Okinawa under Captain James Leyton.

In 2372, then-Vice Admiral Leyton assigned Commander Snowden to Starbase 375, as executive officer to Admiral Eric Hahn. There, Snowden was to support Leyton's efforts to increase Starfleet Security control over Earth, in response to the Changeling threat. To that end, Snowden had a bomb planted on the starbase, and employed holographic technology in order to keep suspicion on Dominion agents. When Admiral Hahn learned of this treachery, Snowden killed him, and had the body planted at the explosion site. Leyton then promoted Snowden to captain and made him commanding officer of Starbase 375. Once his crimes were discovered, Snowden was taken prisoner aboard the USS Enterprise-E, and transported back to Earth to face court martial. (TNG - Slings and Arrows eBook: The Oppressor's Wrong)

Snowden was mentioned by Sisko in the DS9 episode: "Paradise Lost" as a former Okinawa officer recently reassigned by Leyton. An okudagram in that episode gave him the first initial "T".



USS Okinawa personnel
Federation icon image. ButterfieldEshrineKozelLafleurJames LeytonLintosian'aBenjamin SiskoSnowdenT. Ishmael SnowdenThiemann Starfleet icon image.
Starbase 375 personnel
M. AbneyC. ArgusBennetB. BlackmanJ. BonoM. BoschV. CanamarE. CooperP. CorcoranJ. CruzR. EnglishD. GarthS. GauscheB. GockeE. HahnP. JacobsonB. JohnsonR. JohnsonR. KnoxC. KunzD. LehmanB. NomineM. OvertonT. OvertonW. RossC. SeveryB. SiskoI. SnowdenJ. UnsinnE. VaughnM. WelshM. WestmoreJ. WhiteM. WiltzE. Wright Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image. the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant icon image.

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