Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A Takaya's whale, or Orcinus orca takayai, was a cetacean mammal, a type of orca, native to the oceans of planet Earth.

In the late 24th century, two Takaya's whales were part of the crew of Federation Galaxy-class starships. They were guidance and navigation specialists, and supervised a consultation crew of twelve Atlantic and Pacific bottlenose dolphins in cetacean ops and the cetacean navigation labs. (TNG references: Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual, Star Trek: The Next Generation USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D Blueprints)



Earth cetacean species
Baleen whales blue whalefin whalegray whalehumpback whaleminke whaleright whalesei whale
Toothed whales Atlantic bottlenose dolphinBaird's beaked whaleCuvier's beaked whalepilot whaleorcaPacific bottlenose dolphinpygmy sperm whalesperm whaleTakaya's whale


The idea of "Takaya's whale" most likely from the popular Japanese anime series Aim for the Top!!, better known as Gunbuster, where, in the series' fifth episode, the battleship Excelion is shown with a compliment of dolphin navigators. The animal is most likely named after the series' main protagonist, Noriko Takaya.