While I recognize we cannot 100% prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Tak Kam describes in Prisoners of Peace is the same one in Objective: Bajor, I believe the vast preponderance of evidence suggests that it is--most importantly, both references appear in works by the same author, John Peel. Both Taks show a close connection to Gul Gavron, and Kam's worry about the consequences he will suffer fits what is later seen in Objective: Bajor. And to top it off--Gavron's attack on Deep Space Nine, into which he dragged seven other guls, would have been a treaty violation flagrant enough to provoke a war, had Sisko not decided to consider what he might have done in Gavron's position, and gone lightly on him. (While the full thought process is not presented in a children's book like Prisoners of Peace, the fact that the Cardassian Union and Federation do not end the book at war is more than enough to suggest that something had to have happened to allow Gavron's violations to be overlooked.) Nerys Ghemor 21:41, 3 August 2008 (UTC)