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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Tellaran writing

A trade agreement written in Tellaran.

Tellaran (also known as Tellarite) is the language of the Tellarite civilization.

By the 24th century, Tellaran language is a second year elective course at Starfleet Academy. (FASA RPG module: Star Trek: The Next Generation Officer's Manual)

Due to the large number of Starfleet encounters with Tellarites beginning in the 22nd century, when the Tellarites joined the Coalition of Planets and then the Federation, many members of Starfleet are schooled in spoken Tellarite. Notable personnel with instruction in this language included in their service records include Hikaru Sulu. (FASA RPG module: Cadet's Orientation Sourcebook)

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Avoiding the direct truth, as in the phrase "dance around the delbat". (SA - Starfleet Academy comic: "Issue 1")
Profane term of unclear translation which was used as an exclamation. (TNG novels: The Buried Age, Losing the Peace)
Term of unclear translation which was used in an insulting manner. Not to be confused with the Federation Standard phrase "(to) muck up". (TOS novel: The Rift)
'inedible' or 'tastes lousy'. This word was used to refer to things that did not work or were non-functional. (FASA RPG module: The Klingons)
snah phu
Term of unclear translation which was used in an insulting manner. Not to be confused with the Federation Standard slang term "snafu". (TOS novel: The Rift)
"To wear the trappings of another". Colonists on Bersallis III adopted it as the name of a game where everyone pretends to be of a different species. (ST - New Worlds, New Civilizations short story: "Ashes, Ashes")




AltarAndorian languages (AndoriiGraalen/GraalekGreater AndorianLesser Andorian) • Bajoran (BalwanOld BajoranOld High Bajoran) • Ba'ku languageBeta Promethean • Earth languages (Anglo-SaxonBasqueCelticEnglishFarsiFrenchGaelicGermanGreekHebrew/YiddishIboItalianJapaneseLatinMandarinRussianSpanishSwahiliTagalogWelsh) • EsperantaFederation Standard (Galacta) • Ferengi (Trading Tongue) • Galacta (Federation Standard) • GornGrennaij'TaiKlingonese (Battle LanguageKlin trade patoisKlingonaaseKumburanRumaiynta'HoltlhIngan Hol/pIqaDWarrior's Tongue) • MakaroNemarOld HebitianOld High MartianOld IllyanOlisuOmearanOrion language (High OrionKolariLow OrionTrader's Tongue/Trader's ScriptYrevish) • OrishanPaklitPayavPeRealm DialectRemanRigellian Trade DialectRomulan (RihannsuHigh RihanLow RihanOld High Rihannsu) • Sign language (Gestural idiom) • SeshtoTaklathiTarnTellaran (Civil Conversation) • TholianTzikaa!nVeganVulcan (Ancient VulcanHigh TongueModern VulcanOld High Vulcan) • XenexianXlatitigu

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