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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Tellot holding probe

Tellot (hologram) talking about the Romulan probe in the House of SepIch.

Tellot was a Klingon woman in the Klingon Empire's Defense Force.


Gowron called Tellot his best science officer. She travelled with him on the IKS Bortas to Taganika for the Rite of Ascension of Pok, son of Torghn. However during the youth's lop'no, a Romulan assassin probe was triggered and targeted Gowron, killing Torghn in the process. Tellot was assigned to study it on the House's dining room table, while Pok in the meantime was completing his trials, and she determined that the probe's origin was the Soltaris system in Romulan space.

She reported her findings to Gowron and Torghn's family, saying that it was difficult to program or find one, even for a small Romulan noble house. Gowron told Pok to beam his things on the BortaS but Tellot said that the ship will be recognised before they arrive to their target. Qua'lon, the victim's brother, offered them his IKS Tagana. (ST novel: Klingon)
